الراهب والشجرة
الراهب والشجرة
هو راهب غيور سمع عن شجرة يسكنها شيطان ويعبدها الناس فدفعته شهوه مقدسة وقرر أن يذهب ويقاتل هذا الشيطان . الذي قال له : ما دخلك بي دعني وشأني لماذا تريد أن تقطع الشجرة ؟
قال الراهب : كيف أتركك تضلل الناس وتبعهم عن عبادة الإله الحقيقي ؟
قال الشيطان : يا أخي ماذا يهمك ما دمت لا تعبد الشجرة ؟
قال الراهب : من واجبي أن أنقذ الناس منك ومن أمثالك وهنا دارت المعركة بين الراهب والشيطان . حتي تمكن منه الراهب بعد ساعة . فصرخ الشيطان أتركني وأنا أضع تحت وسادتك دينار ذهبياً كل صباح ..
تراجع الراهب وقد أعجبته الفكرة ووافق ومضت الأيام حتي كان ذلك اليوم رفع الراهب وسادتة فلم يجد شيئاً فثار وهاج وحمل فأسة وذهب ليقطع الشجرة . فأعترضة الشيطان وتصارعا ... ولكن في هذه المرة تغلب الشيطان علي الراهب وأمسكة من عنقة وتساءل الراهب لماذا لم ينتصر في هذه المرة ..
فقال الشيطان ساخراً : المرة السابقة كنت تحارب من أجل الله أما الأن فأنت تحارب لنفسك وشتان بين الهدفين... اترك قطع الشجرة لمن لا تغرية شهوة الدنانير .
أما أنت يا صديقي فلمن تعمل لله أم لنفسك ؟
تمضي الأيام مكتفياً بشهوات كثيرة وثمار زائفة .... ذات وكرامة , مكانه وإثبات وجود .. أهواء شخصية واغراض أرضية ... منظر تحافظ عليه جيداً فوق أي شئ .. أنك الأبن الضال الذي يشبعة طعام الخنازير ولم يقرر بعد العودة لحضن أبيه حيث الشبع الحقيقي .
Mission Statement
Chicago Copts is dedicated to connecting members of the Coptic Community in Chicago, strengthening bonds within the community, and to promoting and preserving Coptic culture. Chicago Copts motivates Coptic Americans to become active in Coptic issues by empowering the community through education and social networking events. Chicago Copts is committed to reaching out to our Coptic brothers and sisters in Chicagoland and abroad.
Your donation is critical to helping us carry on our mission of supporting the Coptic Community and educating the public on Coptic issues.
With your donation, you will be actively contributing to programs and events that help us achieve this goal. All donations to Chicago Copts are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!
Words Of Thanks
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31: 8-9
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We wanted to thank all those who attended the lecture given by Fr. Mattias Nasr Mankarious. There was a great turn out. We also want to thank the following:
Fr. Isaac Tanios
St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church, Palatine
Fr. Yohanna Nassif
St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church, Palatine
Fr. Wilbur David Ellsworth
Holy Transfiguration Antiochian Orthodox Church
Pastor Rev. Raouf Boulos
The Moody Church
We especially want to thank Fr. Mattias for being our speaker. Fr. Mattias was eager to go back to Egypt and, as he said, to be next to his children
in their time of need. We want to thank him for being a beam of light for Christianity and standing up for the preservation of Christianity in Egypt.
The Bible teaches us in the Book of Matthew: " ...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who
is in heaven." (Matt 5:16).
Thank you Fr. Mattias for being the light for us to all see and for being the father teaching your children the love, peace, and mercy of Christ. We know
how hard it is for you to see your children murdered, but we know that you are consoled to know that in dying in the name of Christ, they will be saved.
These things I have spoken unto you,
that in Me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation,
but be of good cheer:
I have overcome the world.
(John 16:32-33)
To download the power point presentation, click here.
If you wish to continue your donations for the Martyrs of Maspero and for the mission of Fr. Mattias, please do so here. If you wish to make a donation for the ChicagoCopts organization to continue its work, as well the donations can be made on the website. Please designate how your donations should be distributed.